Welcome to UiTM Visitors Site.

Steps to Get Access

Daily Visitor Pass
  1. Create user account using register menu at Homepage.
  2. Select Menu "Daily Pass" > "Agency Daily Pass" > "Create Daily Pass"
  3. Applicant(s) are required to complete and submit the online form.
  4. Email will automatically send to staff for verification.
  5. User/visitor can view Daily Pass List by Select Menu "Daily Pass" > "Online/Agency Daily Pass" > "Daily Pass List"
  1. User must register as visitor by using Menu Register.
  2. Sign in then click menu "Daily Pass" > "Parents Daily Pass" > "Parent Pass List"
  3. Click button "Apply New Parent Pass"
  4. Search student id by fill in the student ID and click search button
  5. Applicant(s) are required to complete the details and submit the online form.
  6. Visitor/Parents must get the security pass at the UiTM Entrance
  1. Create user account using register menu.
  2. Applicant(s) are required to get access through the online form submission.
  3. Click button "Get Access" based on the role type.
  4. Fill in the details. Please select which campus, attach your appoinment letter and click submit button to submit the form.
  5. Campus Moderator will be notify by email for the new role access.
  6. Wait for the approval from UiTM
  7. Email will automatically send to the applicant(s) for approval notification.
  8. After the approval, applicant(s) are required to complete and submit the online form for security pass application.
  9. Click button "Apply Pass"
  10. Applicant(s) are required to complete the details and submit the online form.


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